Die Werke aus der abstrakten Rorschach-Serie der Münchener Künstlerin Ramona Romanu sind 2014 im Hidden Tresure Art Magazine Yearbook erschienen. Den kompletten Kunst-Katalog können Sie unter dem folgenden Link einsehen. Die Werke von Ramona Romanu (noch mit bürgerlichen Namen Ramona A. Kloos vertreten) sind auf Seite 92 zu sehen.
The contemporary artwork of Ramona Romanu emerges art with quantum physics, the intuition with the rational. Her work is inspired by Chaos Theory, recursive mathematical patterns and perception.
In her abstract paintings she opens an hyperspace for the observer within selfreflection becomes possible. A new depth of introjection occurs, free of analytic thinking.
Authentic experience becomes real.
Ramona Romanu was born 1970 in Arad, Transilvania. She studied art and took a degree in computer sciences and medicine, specialized in Neuronal Networks and Artificial Intelligence. Since 2004 she lives and works as an artist in Munich, Germany.

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